As part of the levels that compose “Cobra kai 2: Dojos Rising”, the sequel game inspired by the “Cobra Kai” television series, “Mall” was inspired by the show's shopping mall fight scenes between Miyagi-Do students and Cobra-Kai.
In this level, I have contributed mostly with direction and guidance while being developed by another level designer (Carlos Escaleira). However, in addition to directing, I also helped with the balancing of combat areas and the positioning and distribution of resources present in the level (Coins, Collectibles, weapons, among others).
Mall would also host a minigame, after much experimentation it was determined that we would have an optional area for the player, the parking lot, where the player had a challenge against time to destroy a certain amount of advertising boards of a competitor of the character “Anoush” in order to recruit him. I was responsible for the level design specifically for this environment, where the intention was to make the player use their parkour skills in abundance such as Wall run, Wall Jump and climbs. I was also responsible for establishing the number of plaques and the time needed to win each medal in the mini game.
At this level I also had the pleasure of participating in a visual polishing team that aimed to make visual improvements to the scenario some time after its completion. So I was able to do a more refined job of prop placement in the initial corridors of the level and in the comic shop.
Key Responsibilities:
- Level Design Direction;
Minigame Level Design;
Prop placement;
Distribution/positioning of the level’s resources;
Balancing of progression and level’s difficulty.
Art Direction:
Stiven Valerio
Main Level Designer:
Carlos Escaleira.
Level Design team:
Raphael Souza, Gabriel Laurindo and Gabriel Viana.
Concept and 2D art:
Leonardo Amaral and Roberto Fernandes.
Environment and Lighting:
Arthur Lorando, Breno Alves and Pedro Sarraf.
3D Environment:
Juan Patrick, Gabriel Cavalcante, Israel Terenzi, Beatriz Lordello and Marcio Florindo.
Visual effects:
Pablo Farias and Diego Crispim.
Project Link: